Book Festivals make me sparkle…
from head to toe!! It is so fun to create the booth and arrange everything just perfect. What I have learned is if your booth decor does not work do not be afraid to change it and change it again until it feels right and you are attracting the kids.
I love being able to talk to all the kids and seeing the smile on their face when they get to buy my book. Priceless.
Meeting authors is amazing too. I have met so many great people and have had the best conversations at the book festivals. We are all trying to get our message out their to help the kids and it is wonderful to see their sparkles shine when they talk about it.
I met Lauren Ashoff who wrote Spirit Sparrow amazing book on getting unstuck and face your fear. You can find Lauren at
Rachel LaMar who wrote Bennie Bear’s Dream which is such a sweet book it made me cry. It is about a bear’s dream of getting adopted. When he finally does it by a little girl at a foster home. Part of the proceeds from the book go to adoption and foster care. You can find her at

about the author
Keri Collins is a children’s author who helps kids and parents better themselves by making better choices. She blogs about parenting and kids’ issues, and offers plenty of tips and other advice.