Are you practicing mindfulness?
Do you meditate?
Do you know the benefits from meditating?
I know it sounds hard and you are thinking how are you going to fit another thing into your day. Well the benefits are so good how can you not and better yet the benefits are amazing for kids. Can you imagine if we teach our kids how to be mindful at a young age what their lives will look like! I know I wish I knew more about it when I was young versus learning about it now.
Here are the 4 reasons why we should teach our kids to meditate:
Meditation Improves Focus
It is difficult with all the modern-day demands on our kids going from thought to thought to gadget to gadget to be able to stay focused on one thing. Studies have shown that meditation changes brain patterns and heightens mental focus that improve cognitive performance. Exactly what we want for them during school. I know meditating has helped me stay focused.
Meditation Grows Self Love
A lot of us struggle with loving ourself and it is such a hot topic these days. Imagine if we were taught at a young age how to love ourselves! This is why I love talking about and teaching kids to meditate.
When kids meditate it provides access to a greater feeling of inner stability and security. It allows them to learn how to quiet their mind, slow down their thoughts of self talk and obsessive thinking to experience relaxation, inner peace, self-love and joy. Sounds awesome right!
Meditation Relieves Stress
Adults and kids both suffer from stress from the demands of work and school. Kids are always told to do things right and if they don’t it just heightens their stress on themselves. Thankfully meditation can help with relieving stress and calming the mind. A calm mind is followed by a calm body which improves creativity, sports, and social performance.
Meditation Increases Kindness
In a world of bullies on the playground, how cool would it be if the kids were meditating at school to increase kindness. Meditation has been proven to increase compassion and connectivity among kids and adults. It creates an interconnectedness which can’t be denied.
Amazing – Right? It blows my mind how much we can all benefit from meditating. So why aren’t we all doing it? Why aren’t we practicing self care and loving ourselves enough to mediate and to teach our kids to meditate?
It takes effort and I am here to help!
You can go to my website at for a free guided meditation that you can do with your kids and start reaping the benefits. While you are there sign up to receive my blogs on self care for parents and kids. Don’t worry I won’t fill up your inbox, I only blog 2-3 times a month.

about the author
Keri Collins is a children’s author who helps kids and parents better themselves by making better choices. She blogs about parenting and kids’ issues, and offers plenty of tips and other advice.